Member Code of Conduct
Eastern Raiders Softball club endorses Softball Australia’s Player Code of Conduct along with the following specific behaviours:
Treat your own team mates and players of competing teams with respect.
Notify your coach of any injury or illness before taking the diamond or commencing training.
Refrain from the use of abusive or offensive language including sledging.
Treat your own equipment and the club’s equipment with respect.
Be mindful of how your actions affect the safety, well-being and comfort of those around you, including other players, spectators and officials.
Always encourage other team mates by giving positive feedback in a fair and respectful manner.
Honour commitments that you have made to your team and coach. Attend to your umpiring or other club duties. It remains your responsibility to ensure that the duty is fulfilled.
Provide coach or team manager sufficient warning if you are unable to play a game or attend training so that other arrangements can be made, ensuring the teams avoid forfeit and other players are not inconvenienced.
Arrive at training and at games on time and ready to train, warm up or play as determined by your team’s officials.
Help other players and coaches to set up and pack up the equipment, including diamonds.
Pay your fees on time or as arranged with the Treasurer.
Make all members feel welcome, particularly new players and their families.
Enhance the skill level, safety and enjoyment of players by offering assistance if and where required and with the input or consent of the coach.
Waverley Softball Association outlines the Parent and Spectator requirements which are endorsed by Eastern Raiders Softball Club.